Τετάρτη 12 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012


if you get 1 in 30 to vote down you will think
is this gonna stay the same or in 3000 votes i'll get 100 down?

 you have to have a representative sample

who is gonna guarantee me a  represntative sample?

if you do these and these you will decrease the probability of ..
and increase the probability of ...

it's a more or less then
a pat in the back "good job"

go to hell

a philosopher should be reserved for the very general subjects
being truth and maybe a few others such as limits to knowledge consciousness although that starts already going in the psychology direction

if you start epistemology of science and epistemology of brick layering

everyone is a philosopher and nobody will do philosophy as the old gnomic goes

"whats wrong with categorizing philosophers?


in fact the ego starts overtaking you without even realizing it

and you can't do anything about it

you can fight it
but you can't punch it out of existence

if you come to your senses you will think its embarrassing
what does "come to your senses" mean?

the culturally epilayer?
and what does "embarrassing" mean? something that doesn't conform to the others

some people have a 1000 followers and some 2
i wonder if jesus from nazareth had 12 or 15 followers
or were they the crowd (if that was a crowd) who amassed to hear him his followers?

to me clear and precise thinking is
we put down our penises and see whose is longer

does that constitute a man ?
surely it's part of your personality your being

but is that you?

it's a vantage point

and as with all vantage points it has its pros and cons

the pro is that you get exact and precise measurements
the con is you don't really get a sense or even a meaning what is

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